Monthly Archives: June 2013

花了半天建了个Miller Transfer 的超长拖车

昨天看到youtube上面一个视频,超长拖车,看的感觉太爽了那个结构。一层一层的,激动之下就用查了下拖车的牌子,找到了几个图, 犀牛做了一个模型。如图。虽然细节还有些不够好, 但大体感觉对了. 拖车头的模型来自于

Last day occasionally saw a video in youtube, a heavy and long haul, very exciting. With the excitement i googled the brand of the truck, Miller Transfer, a U.S. company.

Then i modeled this long haul with Rhino and Vray, although the details not really fit in the actual truck, but generally i think that’s good enough. Trailer comes from
