Category Archives: 3D建模 3D modeling

Solidworks 自定义快捷键

还是写一下备份一下免得重新装了之后忘记, 而形成长期使用习惯可以提高不少效率


1, 先把滚轮方向反过来

2, 关掉状态栏, 不查看边线, SW越来越吃资源了, 也或许是电脑不够好

———————以下是快捷键, 左手操作——————

q [浏览打开的文档]    w[正视于]      e[凸台-拉伸]    r[智能尺寸]

a[插入-注释]               s[保存所有]    d[切除-拉伸]    f[测量]

z[文件-关闭]              x[]                     c[插入-草图]    v[插入-配合]



Google Glass 3D optical layout reconstruction, based on teardown information

中文读者请看  Google Glass 使用了哪种显示技术?具体是怎么实现的?

Chinese reader please hit this:


Since my major is Optical Engineering, I am very exciting about Google Glass, and also keep eyes on it from the beginning. Several months after introduced glass, the explore edition hit the developer. Some of them make a teardown test, even it was not a completely teardown, we can get lots of information from it.

This post is an original “research” article, based on teardown information that I can find in the Internet. Shows how we can get an almost complete optical layout from the information.


First, according to several hackers and developers[1][2][3][4][5], the hardware configuration is:


RAM: 682 MB

Display resolution: 640 x 360 pixel (very important information)

Internal storage: 16 GByte


Invensense MPU9150=Invensense MPU6050 (3 axis gyroscope + 3 axis accelerometer)+Asahi Kasei AKM8975 (3 axis geomagnetic sensor(compass))

LiteON LTR-506ALS rear-facing sensor(RFS) or “proximity” sensor

One more thing, glass support “wink” command, up to 20 winks!

So here is main information source from teardown test from Bill Detwiler [1] [5] <- hit it, very good articles. He opened the front shell ……

Click here to view original post from Bill Detwiler

Figure 1 cracking open Glass from Bill Detwiler and TechRepublic. I think (a) the flexible PCB with white characters is the interconnection between these module; (b) the small connector near the prism is connected to RGB LED light source.

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花了半天建了个Miller Transfer 的超长拖车

昨天看到youtube上面一个视频,超长拖车,看的感觉太爽了那个结构。一层一层的,激动之下就用查了下拖车的牌子,找到了几个图, 犀牛做了一个模型。如图。虽然细节还有些不够好, 但大体感觉对了. 拖车头的模型来自于

Last day occasionally saw a video in youtube, a heavy and long haul, very exciting. With the excitement i googled the brand of the truck, Miller Transfer, a U.S. company.

Then i modeled this long haul with Rhino and Vray, although the details not really fit in the actual truck, but generally i think that’s good enough. Trailer comes from
